Go Sadé, It’s Ya Birthday!


Happy Birthday to Me!! Today is my 31st Birthday and I am super excited about this new year of life. I am truly blessed to be alive and among the land of the living! 30 flew by so fast and 31 is finally here. Ya girl is aging like fine wine! I use to feel some type of way about getting older but, now I get excited for a new year to take by the reigns and live it out fabulously.

Birthday Love

I absolutely love birthdays! I believe that everyone should feel exceptionally special on their day! And I feel just that! My family and friends have showered me with so much love and well wishes. I just don’t know what to do with myself!


As, I reflect on my 30th year of life, I have to say that I have learned so much about myself and I am truly proud of the growth that has taken place. I have definitely stepped out of my comfort zone more than ever and it has felt so amazing! I can’t say this year has been full of highs but when the bumps in the road came, I was able to push through in the midst of it all. I can say that I have learned to handle trials and moments that simply do not feel good much better than the younger version of myself. So, all thanks to God for evolving me into a stronger and more mature woman.

Highlights From Year 30

Highlights from my 30th year include starting my blog! This has been such a special project for me to be able to share and hopefully inspire you guys. Style, fashion and being able to be creative are a few things I enjoy and that make me feel happy and free. I reflect on where I started and the transformation over this year and I’m happy with what I have created. I have some new projects coming up for this next year so I hope you guys stay tuned!

Also, I traveled to Greece –twice this year! It was simply breathtaking both times. Being able to see a different side of the world and take in its beauty was all a reminder to me of how truly amazing God is to create such a captivating world. I tried new foods and y’all know I’m pretty picky and particular when it comes to food/sauces and such lol. I also, learned the mythology of the Greek history which was very interesting and made my childhood history class lessons make a bit more sense. Hahaa!

I also took time to focus on myself more and do more things that made me happy. I am a whole nurse and I couldn’t tell you the last time I made sure my own health was in tact. So loving on myself and self care was a major highlight and vibe for my 30th year.

Again, I am excited to see what year 31 has in store for me! I am already claiming a year full of prosperity, elevation, promotion, happiness , joy, love, peace, laughter and new beginnings. Goodbye 30, Hello 31!!

Tulle skirt | Light House

Shoes | Trendmall

Clutch | Quaint Boutique in Greece

Earrings | Zara