9 Ways To Love the Skin You’re In

1. Know That You Are 1 of 1

You are exclusive! You are the only one of you there is and, that is totally unique and awesome! There’s no other brain, physical body or spirit exactly like yours. There’s no right or wrong way to look or features to have. We are all beautifully created by God which makes our individuality amazing.

You cannot be duplicated. You are unique. There is no one else like you on this planet!

2. Eat Healthy

Love on your body by being cautious of what you put in it. Feed it natural, whole foods that will fuel your body. When you consume junk food and sodas all of the time, it can make you feel sluggish and lazy. It also sets you up for potential health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, obesity, etc. Nothing is wrong with indulging from time to time but be sure your body is mainly getting those healthier options so that you can continue to look and feel great!


Laughter is truly medicine. There is nothing like having a giggle session with your friends and loved ones. You know! The ones where you laugh until you can barely breathe and tears are rolling from your eyes!

4. Good Vibes Only

Let go of any person or thing that comes with negativity and brings you down. NOBODY has the right to make you feel bad about yourself. Let those people go! When negative energy is brewing, try not to let it get to you and distrust your peace. Have a plan! Whether it is to talk it out with a friend or to simply identify it for what it is and release it.

5. Focus on Your Positives

We all have things, physically or non, that we wish we could change about ourselves. Rather than obsessing over what you’d like to change, focus on what you do like about yourself. Uplift yourself! Calling out the attributes you LOVE or the things you ARE great at builds confidence. We need to have that positive mental attitude.

Take time out to be amazed at yourself!

6. Exercise

As we know, exercising releases endorphins. Endorphins make us feel good and happy inside! Staying active also aids in your health. So make sure you’re getting enough exercise to help keep your body healthy which is an important part of loving the skin you’re in.

7. Find Your Tribe

Who we surround ourselves with is so undeniably important! Surround yourself with people who see your beauty, inside and out, and who encourage you to be your best self. Your tribe should consist of those who elevate your spirit, are like minded and encouraging. Those who pour life into you and pray for your health, success, prosperity, happiness and so much more.

8. End Your Day With Good Thoughts

Close out your day with a positive thought that has nothing to do with your physical appearance. Think about a time in the day when you were kind, had great intentions, or were helpful. Let that resonate! Of course every day won’t be your best. When those days come, acknowledge them, forgive yourself and do better the next day.

9. Style

Of course I couldn’t end this post without talking about style. Haha! But honestly for me, what I put on and how I wear my clothing is an interpretation of me. Everyone has their own story. Whether fashion is something you are into or not, I feel you should always be comfortable and confident in what you put on. From simple and basic pieces to wild and fun colors and prints, it’s your authentic and true style. Let confidence build each time you recognize that the way you dress is your way. And that is also how you love the skin you’re in!

Outfit Deets

Romper | Fine and Fly Shop

Shoes | Aldo

Hair Wrap | Afriwraps

SPRING Into Style

Spring is finally here! Time to put away those sweaters and scarfs! I’m SPRINGing into style with one of my fav fashion trends. Mini dresses! So light and fun. Now that it’s finally warming up, it’s time to give your wardrobe a little refresh.

The key for me this Spring is to be comfortable, stylish and free!

This ruffle hemmed mini dress is giving me exactly that! I love the colors and the asymmetric dimensions. I got this mini from a boutique called Sonyabees. Anytime I want something different and unique I shop at small boutiques. They tend to have more exclusive pieces and a smaller selection of each item.

Also, the way you style a piece gives an exclusive look. I chose this pink chunky belt from Random & Chic Boutique. They have super cute apparel as well. I really love their unique, vintage items. It’s so cool because they showcase their new inventory on Sundays at 7 pm. I’m always tuned in to see what’s going to drop on the site.

A hand bag goes a long way and always takes a look to another level! This mustard bag can be worn on your wrist and it also has a strap for your shoulder or to wear as a cross body! My shoes are perspex mule style heels to add to the color scheme.

Light, feminine dresses will definitely be one of my go tos’ for the Spring! Look at the movement in this dress! So fun and effortless.

Check out the boutiques I mentioned. I’m certain they will have something you love.

Dress| shopsonyab.com

Belt | randomandchic.com

Shoes| shopakira.com