20/20 Vision

Trusting in God’s Timing

In 2020 I want to try my hardest to not rush what God is taking His time to prepare so beautifully for me. I had a talk with Him as the countdown to 2020 commenced. He knows the desires of my heart for this year and I know that I must have stronger faith that He is going to fulfill these things that I have asked for in perfect timing.

Money Moves

As the end of the year has passed and I look at the money I made in 2019, I’m puzzled at where it all went! I have to admit that I am not good with my finances when it comes to budgeting and planning. But that will change this year. I went to a financial budgeting event last month and I’ve began setting up a spreadsheet that is going to help me see where all my coins are going, help me budget and tackle debt. I’m more confident and ready than ever to make changes for the better when it comes to my money. I’ve said it before but this time it feels different, it feels promising.

Mind and Body

I am proud of myself for the maintenance and balance I had in 2019. This year I want to focus more on continuing to maintain and find the balance in my fitness and social life. I also want to work on the mental. While I’m proud of my maintenance, I have to admit that I had too many moment of being hard on myself when I would look into the mirror. The goal is to continue to grow and become a better version of myself. Mind and body! Me vs Me!

My Business and Brand

I launched Styled X PLUSH at the end of 2019. I’m so very excited about it! I’ve really pushed myself and forced myself to get comfortable with the uncomfortable. Whatever it takes to elevate! I’ve prayed for growth in my business and branding as an influencer. I have so many projects and goals planned for this year and I can’t wait to see them come to pass. Believing in yourself is so critical guys! No matter how things seem or what they look like, never give up on yourself!


I’ve learned that traveling is my muse! It brings me so much excitement, joy and peace. So far I will be traveling to Turks and Caicos and Canada this month, Costa Rica in July and Jamaica in August. I will be posting here on the blog so I hope you are ready to keep up!

Spiritual Reinforcement

I already mentioned having patience in God’s timing but this year I also want to strengthen my relationship with God. I feel like 2019 was a whirl wind of life changing events but I must admit I didn’t feel that strong connection that I have before. Talks, meditation, and studying became fewer and a bit more distant which is not like me so this year I’m changing that!

I hope you all have made new goals and declarations for 2020 to push toward a better, healthier and happier version of yourselves! Let’s make 2020 one for the books. Ready, Set, Gooooo!

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http://liketk.it/2IFkT #liketkit @liketoknow.it You can instantly shop my looks by following me on the LIKEtoKNOW.it shopping app